Total quality management which is also known as TQM is a kind of unifying philosophy of the educational management system which is used for improving the quality of the processes and products in a regular basis.
The total quality management system works on the ground that the quality of the processes and the products is the accountability of anybody who is included with the consumption or creation of the services or products provided by any company. In the other words, the Total Quality Management system focuses on the involvement of the workforce, management, customers or even the suppliers to meet with the exceed expectations of the consumers.
As a core, the Total Quality Management System is a type of management approach through the customer satisfaction to the success for a long term period. In the effort of TQM, all the members of any organization take part in the improving products, processes, culture and the services in which a company works.
The core concept of implementing the approach of Total Quality Managements the 14 points, a group of the management practices to assist the organizations to increase the productivity as well as quality. Read along the article to know about the core concepts.
Adopt some new philosophy
Set up constancy of the reasons for improving the services and products
Cease the dependence on the analysis to get the quality.
Improve every procedure forever and constantly for production, service and planning
Finish the practice of the awarding business on the price alone, instead of minimize the entire cost by working with any single supplier.
The institute training on the job
Break down the barriers between the staff areas
Institute and adopt leadership
Drive out the fear
Eliminate the exhortations, targets and slogans for workforce.
Eliminate the numerical quotas for numerical goals and workforce for the management
Remove all the barriers which rob the people of the workmanship and eliminate all the merit system or annual rating.
Put everyone in a company to achieve the transformation
Institute any vigorous program of self-improvement and education for everyone